Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Do You Care Too Much ??

Even as small children we wanted to be liked. We wanted the approval of others. We wanted to know that others liked who we were and what we did. We began to learn how to tailor our behavior, work, dress, speech, and many other things to attract the attention and approval we wanted.

At some point many of us found ourselves involved in activities, groups and doing things to get the approval of parents, friends, teachers, churches, coaches, and/or employers that we did not really want for for ourselves. As kids, teenagers and young adults many activities may have been for our good, but at the time we didn't see the great value in it.

Now you're an adult and you are still tailoring your life to appease the opinions, escape the criticism, and get the attention of certain people and groups in your life. Several times you may have said to yourself:
-I don't even like such and such,
-I'm not even interested in this,
-I'm not sure why I'm doing this

You may have followed your career path because your parents highly suggested it. You may participate in a particular religious faith to prevent any redicule, pressure or criticism you would receive from family if you told them you honestly have reservations and would like to do your own soul searching. Maybe you have always wanted to date someone of another race but never did because of what you thought your family and friends would think.

When you live your life to satisfy the opinions of others you restrain your purpose, desire and passion to a point where you suffocate your happiness, and learn to live at a level of satisfactory pleasure. You try to believe what impresses them equates to happiness for you. Many times it does not. You simply care and value their opinions too much.

You can't please everyone and won't please everyone, even at your best. Many people who will criticize you would love to break free and pursue their dream too, but are much too afraid. Ignore the critics and make one bold move !! You have lived life to please others. Now try living beyond the limits of your fear of criticism.

People were talking before you got here. They are talking now, and they will certainly be talking when you're gone. So don't let something you can't control stop you from experiencing life with your happiness as a featured story.

Monday, June 23, 2014


You have a dream, goal, or aspiration. Go for it !! Take action towards it. Do not worry about the past mistakes that you have made. Do not worry too much about how you will make it happen. The important thing is to take the initial action and get the momentum going.

It is amazing what you can accomplish when you focus on the WHAT, and stop worrying about the HOW.

In order to accomplish what you want:

- you must stretch beyond where you are now

- you must make decisions you are NOT intially comfortable with

- you must work muscles that you may have not used in a long time

- you might have to travel to places you have never been

- you may have to meet people whose presense, background, or accomplishments make you feel nervous.

- you may have to desolve old relationships and create new ones

YOU MUST make a decision and take action; and then KEEP taking action !!

Do not allow any EXCUSE or FEAR created by your past, or present situations to intervene with you TAKING ACTION !!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Are You Giving Up Your Right ?

You have a right to be happy. Exercise that right !! If you are not pursuing your happiness what are you pursuing? You are probably pursuing money with the belief that obtaining money will give you the power to purchase things that will make you happy. You may be also pursuing something other than happiness through a job or career that you may or may not be satisifed with. In addition you are probably attempting to please people, groups or organizations within your life with the subconscience belief that their satisfaction, approval or praise will contribute to boosting your emotional state. When you really sit back at think about it you are not working much on what you truly want in life. You are toiling day in and day out for others, with the hope that their financial payments, and or feedback will provide you with something that will make you feel good. We use excuses like "I have to go to work ! " , "I have no choice.", or "This is all I know." to limit our choices and opprotunities. This results in us spending so much time working on what others want that we FAIL to follow, or go after our PASSION and TRUE PURPOSE. We were born to do some special and deep down you KNOW what that thing is for you. Going after that one thing will make you feel whole. It will fill you will purpose. It will bring you happiness. You will acheive success by going after it. Pursuing anything else, denying yourself the opprotunity, procrastinating, using excuses and giving in to fear will be a painful fight against what you were born to be. A continiuous effort of spending days, weeks, months, and years fighting against your purpose will build regret, animosity, anger and other negative emotions within you, and towards individuals and things outside of you. Life will be full or challenges and the unknown no matter what path you follow. However it is much more fullfilling facing the opstacles in life while you are doing something you are passionate about and truly know you were put on earth to do. Emanicipate yourself !! Follow your passion! Embrace your purpose! Welcome the happiness in your life that you have been running from in pursuit of what you THOUGHT would make you happy. You have a right to be Happy! Exercise that Right !! Luke Wright