Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Great Morning Struggle

The Great Morning Struggle

It’s about 5:20 am.  I’ve been up since 5:00 am. I’m wide awake and typing away at this blog. Some of you may say “Wow, this guy is super motivated.”  Well, I struggle just like millions of other people to get up in the morning, I hit the snooze button several times, and convince myself that I need 15 more minutes that often turn in to 30-45 more minutes. Many nights I promised myself that I will get up at 4:30 am or 5:00 am to work out and it just never happens. What in the world is going on? What has changed? I remember years ago as a young Marine I would set my alarm, pop out of bed at the appropriate time and go and workout like I was born to do it. Years later the fire and motivation to do so is just not there.  What a struggle.

I have had coaching clients that I have coached who were struggling with the same issue. As I spoke to them I envisioned myself because I was going through the same issue they were having. You know you are supposed to get up. You don’t want to deal with that guilty feeling of knowing another morning went by where you have failed to accomplish your own goal. I even beat myself up at times and say if you are not able to motivate yourself how can you motivate others? I tell you it can be a vicious negative self-talk circle.
Image result for waking upHaving a personal coach can be a very effective process to bring about the progress you want in life. As a coach I have a coach myself. How can I believe so much in the coaching process if I’m not using it myself?  Well I trust and believe in it so much that I do. My Coach Tina Greenlee a certified John Maxwell Coach works with me each week to work through my short and long term goals. It’s not easy.  I do great in some areas and I struggle in others. The great thing is the coaching process produces progress I would not have made  without a coach. Thank you Tina.
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Well, I remembered many years ago I as a young Lieutenant in the Marines I would have several Muhammad Ali posters on my wall.  Some of these posters had very inspiring quotes on them. I have always been inspired by Muhammad Ali. He just got me going. Just looking at him and reading his words energized me to go. I needed something like that again.  During my coaching sessions with Tina we discussed doing something very similar to that again. I’m forty plus and married and I don’t think my wife would appreciate huge posters of Muhammad Ali on the walls of our bedroom. So the next best thing is to place him as a screen saver on my phone so I see his face when I get up to turn off the alarm on my phone. What a difference. It works !!
Yes, having something to look forward to in the morning such as an event or something you consider important and/ or enjoyable always helps to get you up. However, sometimes we need a little extra. The great Muhamad Ali works for me.
What works for you? Please share.   Remember, time is our most valuable asset. Let’s make the most of it.

“Don’t Find an Excuse. Find a way. “

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

When You Don't Feel Like Doing What Your Goal Requires

Right now I am struggling with a great message to deliver to you. I'm searching for something to say that will have a significant impact on you.  My energy level is low and my thoughts are scattered. I contemplated not writing a blog for this week, but I made a commitment to myself to release a new blog post every Wednesday.  The normal level of motivation I usually have is not there right now. I'm not a robot so I understand this happens from time to time. At times like this we feel like packing up and vegetating in front of the television with a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream watching our favorite show, or surfing youtube  watching random videos on whatever comes to mind. Maybe we decide to commensurate with the nearest person about all that is not going our way, and those things that could be better if only this or that would occur.

There are times when the alarm goes off in the morning and we are unable to foster the energy, focus, or drive to do what we know we are supposed to be doing.  Maybe our presence is required at the gym on the treadmill. Maybe our butts are needed in that chair at that desk reviewing those notes for an upcoming exam. There are numerous examples and scenarios I could name and cover. The point is we don't always feel like doing what we are supposed to be doing. When asked why we so often reply "I was not motivated"," I didn't feel like it", or I wasn't in the mood.
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MANY times we will not be in the perfect mood we desire to start, proceed with, or finish a task. The desire, mood, or motivation doesn't always come from thinking about doing it, but from actually DOING IT.  The need to make the product or effort we should be involved in perfect may prevent us from getting started, creating momentum and making progress. don't feel like it
Get on that treadmill, sit at that desk, write that book, work on that plan. Don't let the desire for perfection prevent you from having any progress at all. Once you get started you may find that slowly but surely the motivation starts to creep in and energizes you. The progress of seeing the increase in miles on the treadmill, or words on the paper you have written will inform your brain that progress is being made, and you will feel BETTER about yourself.

This was not the perfect blog, but it's the progress I have made with writing the blog that counts.
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Please share with me what you are about to do the will create the momentum and produce the progress you desire.

The motivation is there. Sometimes we have to show up and meet it.

Luke Motivates

"Don't Find an Excuse. Find a way."