Tuesday, January 26, 2016


We are well in to 2016 !! People are in the gym working out, working hard at not buying another pack of cigarettes, or focused on the curriculum of a new class. Some of us are desperately trying to stick to a particular diet while drooling at the sight of a dozen donuts brought in the office, or a greasy bacon cheese burger their teenager is eating while out at a restaurant for family dinner.

No matter what your age, sex, religion, or political affiliation there are 3 things you want to accomplish in 2016 !

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1.  You want to maintain and or improve a relationship you have with someone. This relationship could be with your wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, boss, co-worker, sibling...or even your divorcee that you share joint custody of your children with. No matter who it is, you want  that relationship to be better.  Relationships don't get better by accident; they get better because people invest in them. They also get worse because people procrastinate, stop, or forget to invest in them. Your relationship is an account. You need to make more deposits than withdrawals. Unfortunately we don't realize not doing anything about our relations is a withdrawal. We are often caught of guard when we are informed their is no more interest left and the principal is almost gone.

How will you prioritize those 168 valuable hours we all have each week to invest in the that relationship you value so much ?

Time is our most valuable commodity. We can't create it, we can only manage our priorities within it. Your relationship is a priority ....isn't it ?

What things are you not willing to get in the way of you maintaining or improving that relationship ?

If we value our relationships we can not allow things that are less important to constantly come before it. When the relationship is gone you will not wish for one more shift of overtime, or one more hour surfing the internet....you will want one more moment with that person.

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2. Growth: There is something you want to get better at. There is a skill, profession, career, or task you want to grow in. 

What will you invest your time and resources in in order to get better ?

Are you going to go back to school and register for classes ? Are you going to start a personal reading program ? May be you will sign up and join an organization where you meet and network with other people that can share empowering information with you.

What will you stop doing in order to make time for this required growth ?

Success often requires sacrifice. You will have to carefully examine your daily agenda to ensure you are not putting things that matter more before things that matter least.

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3. Health: We all want to maintain our health. No one wakes up and says I don't want to be healthy. What happens is we are often not intentional when it comes to taking action concerning our health. Therefore things that are not as important as our health take precedence and get done constantly instead of actions required to maintain or increase our health.

What health goal do you have for yourself ? Be specific. Make it a quantitative goal.

I want to lose ___ pounds

I want to run a marathon.

I want to lower my blood pressure to ________.

How would you feel if you improved an important relationship, improved your knowledge, skill and/or influence in a particular area or field, and reached a specified health goal ?

OH WHAT A FEELING ....like the old Toyota commercial.

Write down how you would feel on a index card or piece or paper not if but WHEN you accomplish these goals.  Tape or place that piece of paper some place where you will see it on a regular basis.

Sometimes doing it by ourselves is what leads to us not achieving our goal.  If the greats have someone in their corner coaching them along the way why don't you.

Professional Coaching is available.  We are dedicated to you defining and achieving your goal. Checkout the following links of certified coaches.






Sunday, January 3, 2016


Our daily battles with bills, work, child rearing, and maintaining a personal relationship can seem overwhelming. However, these daily skirmishes can be instantly dwarfed when faced with something that threatens to eclipse the benefits of any other issues and minimize the challenges of any other concerns. Imagine all the things that occupy your time and consume your day suddenly taking a backseat to something else. Everyday people like me and you get jolted with the official diagnosis from a doctor that we have cancer. We always think of it happening to the person at work, the person on television, a close friend or relative, but not us.

For the last 4 years my friend Fran has been battling cancer like a warrior. Some days are better than others. Many days were filled with questions, and a deep search for the strength and inner determination to fight when the emotional and physical tanks of energy appeared to be closer to empty and far away from full. Family, friends, so called experts, do-gooders, and pundits constantly offered their words of intended encouragement, which often could only be classified as a enigma when heard through the ears of someone diagnosed with cancer.

Still standing, still fighting is a real life Wonder Woman, mother,wife, teacher and warrior who took the time to share he raw emotions with me. As you read her words you will certainly be reminded that 2016 is a chance to transform your situation in to your opportunity despite the challenges, fears, and/or excuses you have faced or were self diagnosed.

Our warrior capabilities often time dwell deep within us, and are not manifested until we are faced with a challenge that requires a level of determination, persistence, focus, and desire to overcome...that we never could imagine we possessed.

Fran's Fight 

I began writing this story, my story, 2 months ago if not longer. I had written paragraph after paragraph of back story…misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis until the final announcement that it was nodular dermal melanoma. I painstakingly relived the surgeries and rehab and fear and then, tonight, on new years eve, I decided none of that shit is really important.

All of us have our stories. Many of our stories involve cancer. Cancer fucking sucks. But can also be a gigantic blessing. We have lived suffering. Whether it be at the hands of a disease like cancer, depression, bipolar, whatever…we have suffered. As humans, we live, we suffer, we conquer…add, rinse, repeat. I am not special. I made choices. Very conscious choices, every step of the way. I took cancer as an opportunity to find my purpose, my vision. Strangely, I was close to living that vision before my diagnosis. After, I was, and am, determined to continue living that dream. There is nothing like a life threatening illness to put shit into perspective. Period. For me, I can’t imagine coming to terms with mortality without facing it head on. I researched nodular dermal melanoma. I listened to my doctors. I followed protocol and sought out alternative treatment as well, to compliment my recovery and cancer fighting defenses! All along the way, making conscious choices to do my best, period.

Even at my darkest, I refused to give up hope. I knew the statistics and knew I had to keep doing what I was doing…no matter how hard. Recovery is hard. Re-entering the work place is hard. Living in fear is fucking hard. So, consciously, I worked on facing that fear and remembering that I had a purpose. I sought out help through a not so local cancer center and identified 3 daily affirmations:
I am healthy.
I am strong.
I am living my purpose.
I said these three mantras daily, multiple times daily when I began working again. Today, I say them daily, at least. My reminders.

I am no different from anyone else. I just choose not to let life pass me by. Our lives had become somewhat complacent. Happy but complacent. Cancer kicked us all in the ass. And its by no means over.  But we have only just started living again and my purpose is stronger than ever. All that time off recovering allowed for more than just inner dialogue…I have plans, big plans! I live within my limitations and pay attention to my doctors, but I am living. We took our dream vacation this summer across the UK. All three of us. I met friends who have changed my life. I have changed lives. I am limited…yet stronger than ever. You are too. Conscious choices. Its all about the present.

Thanks to Luke for allowing me to tell my story. This is how it looks and feels today. Tomorrow is a new day so who knows what’s next….I do know, whatever it is, it will take me, us, closer to our purpose.