Come aboard mate and let set ours sails to voyage toward our goals. Each one of the valuable relationships we have in our lives are like ships sailing across a great ocean. We have a Family ship, a Best Friend Ship, A Boss ship, an Employee ship, a Health ship, a Financial Ship, a Morale, Welfare and Entertainment ship and many other ships. Each requires your integrity, communication and actions. In some way all of these ships are going in the same basic direction. When one of these ships starts to divert in drastically different direction it jeopardizes your dedication to the other ships.
Whenever we ignore our responsibility to anyone of these ships it can possibly change the course and destiny to another ship. As a leader if you ignore your responsibility to your employees they most likely will not go the extra mile for you. If you do not invest in them and develop them to become leaders instead of followers they will be unable to cover you and provide the flexibility you need to allow you to branch out and do bigger and better things. As a result your Boss ship and Company ship will suffer. Overtimes the Boss ship and Company ship may come to the decision that your bearings are not inline with their course. A surprise invitation off the ship may be the result.
If you give too much attention to a specific vessel, again you may be taking valuable time away from another ship that requires your attention. If you spend too much time on your Work or Morale Welfare and Entertainment ship dedicating too much of yourself to a job or a hobby, you may find that the Family ship, Wife ship, Boyfriend, or Girlfriend ship will began to suffer. Those ships needs daily attention, quality time and acknowledgement or their importance in your life. Without the daily attention and quality time the neglected areas of the ship will call for repairs. Sometimes if they go long enough without attention the ship may be beyond repairs. If you ignore some ships long enough you may find that another Captain has taken over the ship.
Regular communication with your ships is a requirement. If you do not communicate with your ships they will feel ignored, neglected and not cared for. Although their outside hulls may sparkle inside there is damage. Communicate and check on your ships.
Integrity is key. If anyone of your ships has reason to question your integrity it may give it reason to steer off course, elect a new Captain, or do something spiteful while you're still aboard ship.
Always take required action concerning your ships. Don't procrastinate when it comes to taking action. Procrastination is usually fueled by fear. Fear should never be the adviser to the Captain of any ships.
Warning ! Never become the Captain of alluring ships that are not in sync with the direction of your other ships. Ships like The Affair, The Addiction, and The Drugs will offer you excitement, thrills, make your heart pound for new found experiences. These ships will make you feel like you are in control of them. Overnight you'll find yourself in rough waters you are unable to navigate out of. Before you know it you have become a very low ranking shipmate, falling to the demands of a promising ship that has no heart. It will demand your dedication and promise you what your flesh desires. Meanwhile the ships you once said were most important to you are drifting off course and away from you.
Don't find an excuse. Find a way to be the Captain of the ships that are most important to you !! Your happiness, health, and prosperity of those you care for depend on it.
Does someone you know need help with improving their leadership skills in order to become a better Captain of their relation-ships ?
Do you need help with accountability of your relation-ships ?
How would things be better if you or someone you know gained the skills to becoming a better Captain of their Relation-ships ?
Imagining you or those within a group or organization you belong to with better leadership skills to becoming a better Captain of their Relation-ships. let's talk, if the outlook is truly important to you.
You may have tried the excuses. Now let's try the solution.
email Luke Motivates at lukemotivates@gmail.com
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