In the movie "Friday After Next" The characters Craig and Day-Day have jobs as strip mall security officers. They are hilarious but extremely awful at their job. Day-Day goes out of his way to try and use his so called authority to restrict the movement of the mall patrons. Every attempt brings him conflict and misery.
Some of us are Top Flight Security blessing blockers.
Often times for no reason at all, or for reasons that weaken our positive purpose, we hold back on information, opportunities, and connections that would aid in blessing someone else.
Maybe we aren't a normally negative person, but for some reason we refuse to put forth the effort to see someone else blossom. Deep down inside there is a feeling in many of us that we don't feel like seeing others we know succeed, especially during times when we are struggling.
There is a devilish function that lies within many people who appreciate seeing others in misery, struggle or pain in order to not feel as bad about their own situation. Knowing that they are not alone in their frustration brings them a disturbing kind comfort.
This type of thought is rampant among people no matter the religion, color, race, sex, or political party. People love people like themselves. People love reflections of themselves. People for the most part do not like to be alone. People do not appreciate anything that may shed negativity on them. On many occasions people feel that they look bad when others are succeeding, or doing well and they themselves are suffering from their own excuses, procrastination, bad decisions or just bad luck. Therefore anytime they can prevent the creation of those negative feelings within themselves by hindering another's success either through action or passiveness they will do so.
However, the universe is a funny place. It has been proven over and over again that no matter how much you stand in someone's way, refuse to assist them, or stand by watching but not helping ...if that person is destined to be blessed, that blessing will come to them with or without you.
In addition it pays greatly to give freely, because this same universe has a way of returning what is given. In supply and logistics it is a known rule that any inventory you hold on to must be accounted for, warehoused, and accrues a fee to maintain it. Well, those negative feelings of stress, misery, animosity, jealousy, greed or contempt are emotions that run rampant in the warehouse of our hearts and minds. Keeping track of those "damaged goods" is like carrying around a wet paper bag of groceries with heavy spoiled products. It's a burden we created, insist on carrying, and pay for daily.
Feel good that you are able to contribute to someone else. Acknowledge the creativity that can come through you when you create ways of giving, even when you were so sure you couldn't.
A greater you is a giving you.
Don't find an excuse. Find a way."
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