Even the best of us procrastinate at times. Many times I procrastinate doing things that seem overwhelming, bothersome and/or hard. I've been known to procrastinate on planning for events, selecting gifts for upcoming birthdays, purchasing tickets for travel and upcoming engagements. At times I'm my own worst enemy. I create my own burnout by designing times where I am overwhelmed with tasks that need to be addressed immediately. Again and again I find myself in late night sessions making things happen that could have be done days or weeks ago.
For whatever reason we often believe doing it later is better than doing it now. We say to ourselves : I can watch football right now. I can relax right now. I can get a couple more minutes of sleep right now. I can go shopping right now. I can enjoy the moment right now instead of ruining it by occupying my time with that overwhelming and daunting task.
Have you ever realized that you can never really enjoy those couple extra minutes of sleep, those 4 quarters of football, or that relaxing moment fully. We aren't able to enjoy it because our minds are unable to dedicate it's complete focus on that moment we want to enjoy, because a portion of our focus is dedicated to stressing out, wondering, pondering, and brainstorming about that task we are supposed to be doing.
When we are procrastinating on more than one tasks our minds are even less dedicated to the present and even more distracted as our mind attempts to prioritize future efforts, and scan its memory bank for ways to deal with the inevitable due dates.
When we employ discipline and dedication we allow our efforts to work for us. When we separate ourselves for those excuses that entrench us in a defensive position we are able to offensively move forward because we are taking action. When we act on those things that matter most before those things that matter least we reward ourselves with a peace of mind.
What activities do you waste time doing ?
How important are these activities to you ?
Nothing is more rewarding than mentally knowing you have done your job, completed the task and are free to do other things.
Do you want to be more relaxed ?
Do you want to have more control of your schedule ? If so, why?
How would you feel if you could actually enjoy those moments of rest, relaxation and
entertainment ?
What one task can you work on today that would give you the freedom you want and reduce the stress you have been experiencing?
Procrastination brings on stress and releases chemicals in to the brain and body that overwork
the immune system and creates havoc that can be avoided. Give yourself the peace of mind, freedom, and relation you want by reducing the amount of procrastination you do.
"Don't find an excuse. Find a way."
Luke Motivates