In John Maxwell's book "Today Matters" he says "The Thoughts in your mind will always be more important than the things in your life." What a powerful and impactful statement. Each day we make decisions on how we spend our time. We make a conscious effort to decide who to establish relationships with and who to discontinue spending time with. We decide where we will spend our time working, relaxing and living. Each one of these decisions have a strong affect on our thoughts.
How do you feel when you spend time at a place you don't want to be ? How do you feel when you're in the company of some one who upsets you the majority of the time or you don't care for? These people and places that we immediately think of bring about emotions of stress, aggravation, anger, sadness, depression, fear, and discontent.

Despite how we feel about these people and environments too many of us CHOOSE on a daily basis to spend our time in these environments and with these people. Some of us go to places of employment that we dread going to. We wake up in the morning and drag ourselves to these places of employment we dislike. Immediately our emotions are poisoned with negativity. The traffic appears more overwhelming than if we were going else where. Our veins seem to pump with impurities that make our fingers grip the steering wheel with enough intensity to separate the soul from the body if it were someone's neck. Our lungs take in oxygen but mix with an invisible element of tension and disturbance that intensify how we feel. Now we are not only feeling the negativity, we are
unknowingly emitting it.

Others of us are willingly re-inviting our selves each day in to the presence of people who have harmed, hurt, betrayed, or mistreated us. When we are away from them we feel a great sense of relief. On our way to see them we strategize on how WE can make the situation better by going above and beyond, not pissing them off, staying out of their way, being precaution, or not saying anything when they act inappropriately.
What kind of thoughts are we creating in our mind when subject ourselves to such treatments and environments ? Some of us feel extremely overwhelmed, stressed out, on the brink of loosing it, mentally enslaved, or even suicidal. Pressure busts pipes. When the pressure is too much we seek to immediately eliminate the pain. Sometimes the release measures we spontaneously choose are not safe for us or others.

When we are stressed, the money no longer has the value it once had or brings the happiness we thought it would. The expensive house and nice neighborhood no longer enchants and welcomes us when turn in to our cult-de-sac. The luxury vehicle not longer excites us or provides the driving experience it once did when our mind is distracted by a lack of peace of mind, and a level of dissatisfaction that only a higher power could understand.
We have the power to influence our thoughts by placing ourselves in places and among people who support the positivity and happiness we desire. We are empowered to choose and change. A person lacking material wealth but peace of mind can smile and go about their day, in way that would make a rich man with worries on the brink of a nervous breakdown envious.
What courageous decision are you willing to make in 2015 that will separate you from places and people that bring you down and instead connect you with people and places that uplift you and support your happiness ?

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