Monday, July 21, 2014

Understanding the Natural Oppositions We Face in Pursuit of Our Goal.

The good you are trying to create in life has no existence without the negativity that challenges it. For every force there is an opposing force. It doesn't matter if its good, evil, up, down, forward or backwards. It is always met with an opposing force. That opposing force may be the resistance of the weights in the gym as you try to lift them. It may be the challenges you face while trying to complete a task at work. It could be the natural aging process we face as we try to remain youthful with exercise, make up, and health tonics.

This natural opposition is faced by everything on this earth we live on. The prejudice,nepotism and jealousy of man may create increased opposition based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, appearance, or gender. However, no man or woman can escape the nature of opposition. It's natural. Learn to accept the fact that you will be challenged day in and day out. The greater the force and the larger the area you cover while producing this force the greater the opposing force will be. Knowledge, wisdom, and experience will dictate how well you deal with, overcome and reduce the opposing force.

See the force not as an evil but as part of the process. Realize that those individuals that oppose you may not always have your demise or unhappiness at heart, but are simply out to find or achieve their happiness and success too. The path towards your happiness may simply be in direct conflict with someone else' matter how wholesome or righteous either side is.

Let us learn to appreciate the dynamics and laws of nature. When we do, we will have more compassion for those that challenge us, oppose us, and stand between us and our goal.

We can than overcome them with the understanding that they are simply obstacles that become a part of our story on our journey, and not always someone or something that needs to generate hatred or evil within us in order to defeat them.


  1. Oppositions create the trials that cause us to either change or give up on the things that are important to us. Your reaction to such opposition will determine your growth, success or failures in life. Therefore, it is important to choose carefully and wisely on how to respond to the “nature of oppositions” because in the end “every door that is jammed can be opened; every door that is broken can be fixed; and every door that has a crack in it” reveals something.
    Take time to reflect before responding as we are intertwined in our journey with others who in opposing us are only trying to possibly learn and grow from what you are contributing to them.

    So I concur. 

    Thank you for the positive blogs Luke!

  2. Thanks for sharing these thoughts... Obstacles ultimately get us to where we are trying to go; as you mentioned they are a necessary part of the process. Those obstacles should be appreciated and even celebrated because that means we are headed in the right direction. Those obstacles are in fact opportunities for us to overcome and grow in route to our happiness...

  3. Thank you for your encouraging insight. It's quite prophetic that you spoke on this topic. I am reminded to accept the natural fact that with every positive there will be a negative, however the way we manage to get beyond the negative determines the impact of the opposing force. I won't anticipate the negative to occur, but I do realize that as long as I'm doing something positive I shouldn't be surprised when it does. God's peace and blessings to you.
