Wednesday, January 29, 2014


If you fail to take action to get out of a situation you have made a to decision to stay in one. You're reading this and you are thinking about the situation you're in. You're in a situation that you don't want to be in. You want things to be better. You want change. You have wanted things to be better for some time now. You have thought about it, worried about it, brainstormed ideas about it, contemplated doing something about it , talked about it, dreamed about it, got mad about it , got sad about it, cried about it , prayed about it, and even became silent about it.....but did you actually do something about it ?  And if you did, did you continue to do something about it?

When you fail to take action you are agreeing to not changing, and thus remaining in your current condition. When you don't commit to a forward step you commit to where your feet are currently planted. You may not like where you are. You may be in pain where you are. You may be embarrassed where you are. However, your failure to take action is saying that you choose the pain, unhappiness, and embarrassment over something different.

Every indecision is a commitment against change. Every moment of procrastination is moment away from what could be. Every minute spent defending an excuse as to why you can't is a minute spent slandering the blessing, capabilities, and skills you have that support why you can.

No matter what, you are in control. Make a decision. Take action. Bring about the change you truly want and deserve !!


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