"You can be anything you want to be ! A doctor, lawyer, or astronaut". Do you remember a teacher or parent saying something like that to you, or to a sibling or friend. Sure you do. Do you remember repeating the same or similar statement to your children, students or youngster ? Probably so.

Do you realize the most influential person in a child life is usual a parent, relative, teacher or coach ?
People listen to what we say, but follow what we do. Adults sound so convincing, motivating, direct and serious in their message to the youth to go out at conquer the world. To be all they can be. To be adventurous and courageous. Then these same parents, teachers, mentors, and coaches turn right around and climb back in to their own comfort zone of work that includes a predicable mundane schedule with little risk of day to day failure, and sometimes little enjoyment.
The hardest person to lead is the person we see in mirror, and when we are only leading our selves with hopes and dreams and no actions, it in incredibly difficult to lead others with lip service.
If you have a job that creates little no inspiration in you, and you feel as though you are dragging yourself in work every morning, but you will take no action or risk to find another career, then why would a young person believe in your words about going to school and finding a job?
If your physical image and daily schedule doesn't reflect one that places fitness and health as a priority why would a young person believe or trust in your words about health ?
If you can't remember the last time you went on vacation, left your city or state, why would a young person be convinced by your words to "go see the world'?
If the high point of your day is running to the parking lot to get in your vehicle to escape the stresses you rushed to get to by 9am, then what message are you sending through your actions, habits, energy, and vibe to those young people you influence ?
The biggest lie we tell are in our daily actions.
What will you do today or this week to change your personal narrative and increase the influence you have with our youth and future leaders ?