August 25th of 2017 was my last day at my previous job. Earlier on this year I informed my employer that I would be resigning from my position. The job I had was far from home and required me to be away from my family 5 days a week. I was spending Friday evening, and the weekend playing catch up with my family. By Sunday evening I was routinely becoming depressed because I knew I had to prepare to be away from my family again.
I worked with some awesome people at my previous job,but I was entrenched in a job and not in my passion. My goal is be a full time speaker and leadership coach who travels far and wide developing emerging leaders and inspiring people to step out of their comfort zone and in to their success zone. I needed to jump from the comfort zone of a pay check. My goal was to find a job that allowed my use my leadership coaching and speaking skills much closer to home and gave me time build my business too.
Long before my last day at work I was submitting for jobs closer to my home. I dedicated time in my schedule to searching for jobs in my area that matched my skill set and passion. "I will find something" I told myself. I was very optimistic. I went on several interviews. There were several interviews where I knew I nailed the interview and would get the job. Unfortunately, all I kept getting were the electronic emails that informed me that they appreciated me interviewing,but I was not selected. DAMN!! After awhile it really began to hurt, and I really begin to worry. I have been working consistently for the last 27 years. I have a wife, 3 kids, a house, 2 cars, and bills.
I feared that I could potentially be without a job. Whoa ! Well, I still haven't found a job. I'm unemployed and a bit shaken. I have lost track of how many jobs I applied for. Although I've been diligent in my efforts for some odd reason I'm feel disappointed. Disappointed that my unemployment will put a strain on my family. My friend April told me about a month ago that sometimes we willing to broke for awhile on our journey to success. Wise words, tough decision to make.
The fear of trading security of the unknown prevented me from jumping from my comfort zone on the journey to my success zone many times before. The fear of being overextended financially prevented me from investing in my dream in the past. Today the fear of what others will say or think if I end up working in a place making far less to make ends met bothers me at times. It shouldn't.

Which one of the following fears are you concerned about?:
Fear of failure
Fear of trading security for the unknown
Fear of being overextended financially
Fear of what others will say or think
Fear that success will alienate peers
Stay tuned as I update you on my adventure towards success.