Have you ever sat on the edge of your bed not wanting to go to work because you dreaded being there?
Have you ever sat in the car in the parking lot of your job
sobbing because you were so stressed out about the environment you were working
Have you ever found yourself sitting at your desk pondering
aimlessly in your mind why you were working for that company, and/or for that
particular boss?

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed about the way you were treated
at work that you felt you could run out of the door that very day and not return?
Have you ever so felt so emotional about a situation or events that
happened at you place of employment that it affected your mood inside and
outside of work?

Have you ever felt bottled up emotionally about what was
happening at work and how you felt, but you felt as though there was no one you
could turn to, no one to listen, no one to understand, no one who could help?
Many people leave for their job on a daily basis, but
despise being there. Most people spend at least 40 hours a week/8 hours a day at their job, 1.5 hours commuting to and from
their job, 2-3 hours thinking about work when their off the clock, and another
hour preparing to get there each day. That’s 12.5 to 13.5 hours each day
contributed to something that you may not like, are unhappy with, and/ or is causing
you distress daily. WOW!!
Millions of people dedicate more time to their lives to
careers, jobs, causes, and bosses than to their happiness, family, or friends.
Share your stories so we can understand.
Why did you stay ?
Why did you left?
If you’re still
I would like to know want happened?
When I listen, I learn. When I learn I gain perspective,
understanding and knowledge that enables me to be better, do better, and help
I’ve had my fair share of good bosses and not so good
bosses. Maybe I’ve been that kind of leader to others in the past.