What about those many times when you extended a conversation with someone when you knew there were greater priorities to address. You allowed the conversation to drift in to other subjects that were of little importance. You watched the valuable minutes go by on your watch as you continued to gossip or talk of issues that didn't add value to you or anyone else.
What I have realized is when other people see us wasting our time we are sending a subconscious message to them that we do not value our time, and that we don't mind wasting it. Therefore they are often receiving the message that they also have the permission to waste it for us.

The message translates to :
It's O.K if I show up late to our dinner date, appointment, or event because time is not of value to you.
It's O.K if I start up a conversation, introduce an new issue to extend our time together if I know you are short on time.
It's no big deal if I do not get back to you on a pressing matter that you asked me to respond to.
I treat your time like you taught me to treat it.
I don't respect your time , because you taught me not to.
Our actions often speaks so loud that people cannot hear what we are saying. Time is our most valuable resource. Not even the richest person alive can buy back their time. Therefore when we waste our own time the message we are sending to others in stronger than our words.
What message are you giving to others when you dedicate more time to work , but say your marriage and or family is the most important thing in your life ?
What message is being received by loved ones when you spend hours a week on your game app, but can't find time to listen to how your spouse's day went ?
What message are you receiving about yourself when you spend your most valuable resource on things of least importance, but struggle to find the time to invest in and add value to yourself ?
We can not manage time . We can only manage ourselves.
"Don't find an excuse, Find a way. "