There are people in our lives that we love, appreciate, look up to, and are influenced by. There are also people who impact our lives but aren't necessarily people we love and enjoy. For what ever reason we value the opinion of these people. Take a moment to visualize the faces of these people: your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, close friend, cousin, mother, father, aunt, co-worker, associate and/ or boss.
As you see their faces thoughts and emotions about each person quickly runs through you mind and body like: love, appreciation, good memories, fun, laughter, anger, resentment, unresolved issues, jealousy, comfort, and passion. For what ever reason we value the words of these people because they are within our circle, we have a relationship with them, and there are shared memories between us and them.
We tend to believe we need these people's permission to be us, to go beyond where we are right now, to do things that are beyond their understanding, to do things that don't agree with their current belief systems. We are constantly on a growth path, but when we believe we need permission to grow, and we believe that permission may not be granted we create mental blocks and refuse to take the actions that will lead to our growth, success and happiness. As a result we learn to be satisfied where we are, instead of pursuing happiness and greatness where we could be.
You do not need anyone else's permission to be you. You are a gift that is forever blossoming and growing. Our continuous growth may require us to removed from one place that is more fertile. Our happiness may require us move to be exposed to other people and things of greatness. Our calling may require that we free ourselves of the restrictions of those that surround us to be around others that are there to help grow us.
In order to to grow, in order to be great, in order to be happy, in order to be successful you have to value yourself more than the opinions of others that judge, grade, degrade, and restrict you. Their opinions may be valid at times, but they can be restrictive if they are not adding value and allowing room for growth.
The love expressed through a hug from a friend, loved one or stranger is greatly appreciated. However even that hug is restrictive if the person is never willing to let go. Sometimes the love, affection, dedication, service, and pay we receive from others is conditional. The conditions are unwritten rules that say "be who I want you to be under the conditions of our relationship within a undefined time frame." Within this understanding we remain friends, family members, employees, and associates who desperately want to breakout and be ourselves.
1. When we value people's opinion more than ourselves we sacrifice our happiness.
2. When we value people's opinion more than ourselves we limit our progress and therefore our chances at success.
3. When we value people opinion more than our selves we restrict our actions, thoughts, and mostly our growth.
You were meant to experience happiness, to grow.
You were meant to take action that leads to learning from mistakes that encourage follow on action that leads to success. Why would we want to lead a life that deviates from our greatness?
What relationship are you in right now that is restrictive to your happiness ?
Whose opinion are you valuing more than your happiness ?
What path to success would you pursue if it weren't for someone else's opinion of you ?
What place, organization, circle, or relationship would you leave if you weren't afraid of what they may say about you ?
Right down 3 actions you WILL take this week to free yourself, grow yourself, create a path for success, and bring about more happiness in your life.