Since I was a kid I have had to deal with the very stressful, annoying, and irritable skin disorder of eczema. At school many kids wondered if it was catching before they knew what it was. I remember during many summers having to lay on the couch with a cold rag around my neck to reduce the irritation that caused me to itch and the condition to get worse. The rashes would appear on the inside of my arms, my neck, the back of legs, and on my wrist. When I scratched the areas would get inflamed, spread and darken. It was not a good time. There were times as an adult when it would completely clear up for periods at a time. However, sometimes the scars were still visible.
Bathing in hot water dehydrates my skin and aggravates the break out areas. I feel like a fiend standing in the shower having the hot water bake on my skin. It's a weird high that has regrettable results. It inflames the areas, make them darker and often brings on the itching. The lack of discipline on my part requires me to pay a higher price for my morale and welfare. When I fail to implement the required
discipline of bathing in luke warm water, using mild soaps, and pat drying myself after showers I pay the price. I suffer. I am impacted and I set myself back. It is a very mentally and physically costly non-productive circle.

Discipline is required !! If you fail to have or implement discipline into your life the simplest of tasks will not be accomplished or take exponentially longer. Discipline is a key component of any living organism. The less discipline an organism has the more it deviates from its true purpose and goals.
The universe doesn't care if you are male or female, black or white, tall or short, disabled, gay or straight. It will create opposing forces to disburse your efforts when you lack discipline. Success demands some sort of discipline and then rewards us with progress, even if it's not immediately visible.
Try to live outside the boarders of discipline, and yes you will have free reign to do as you please at times, but that freedom will be overshadowed by the darkness of set backs you unknowingly designed for yourself like it came from a coaches play book.
Discipline will reward you with inner strength that will enable you to move forward, do more, be more effective and efficient. Discipline will not embraced or be loved by your excuses, fears or unchecked habits. Discipline will separate you from others that lack discipline.
It is very difficult to conquer any thing when we are unable to control and conquer ourselves through discipline. Discipline enables the ant to accomplish what is impossible to the being that lacks discipline. In size the ant is small, but with discipline the ant competes with, and rivals many gi-ants....giants...get it ? lol.
Big doors swing on small hinges. You can accomplish greater things if your are willing to be disciplined.
Don'find an excuse. Find a way.