Thursday, March 5, 2015


When we think about our opportunities and challenges too often we focus on the negative things that can happen. We think about everything that may go wrong, how much money we may lose, who may not support us, what deals may fall through,  and who may not show up .

We allow these messages, thoughts and negative visions to run rampant in our mind.  Like wild trolls they run to every corner of our mind posting up negative signs “STOP !” ,“Don’t Go !”,“ Stay!”, “Danger”, ”You’re not good enough!” “You’re too old!”, ”Who do you think you are?”.  Soon our vision, dreams and hopes are drained of energy, because they are diverted with negativity and despair every time bringing them to life through action is discussed.

We even began to trust these trolls and employ them as a board of advisory whenever it’s time to make a move toward our goals. We try to validate the minutes captured at the pity party and misery meeting we attend with this trolls. We do this by seeking negative justification in our mistakes, failures, or upbringing.

Image result for trollsImage result for trolls

FIRE THESE TROLLS !! Their wages are your hopes, energy, dreams, aspirations, goals and happiness. You can no longer afford to pay them.  They are working over- time and demanding more benefits.

I look toward people like Missy Ohe (pronounced “O”) when the trolls in my head start talking.  Missy Ohe  is a radio host, keynote speaker ,and John Maxwell Trainer.  She surrounds herself with motivation, talks about inspiring topics, promotes goal achievement and encourages us to make a difference.  Every Sunday morning at 8:30AM, you can tune into the Missy Ohe Show on Your QFM 104.9FM. Her show features a variety of different speakers covering a wide array of positive topics.


As a speaker Missy Ohe often focuses on us enjoying our journey. Yes, we will have challenges, fall down and make mistakes. However we will also make progress, have new experiences, enjoy success, and meet new people. We will encounter some trolls, but we will meet some angels too.
Missy won’t leave you lingering alone with motivation and no way to navigate your course. As a fellow John Maxwell Team member Missy offers experienced and proven coaching and training to assist individuals, groups and organizations achieve their goals while empowering themselves and adding value to others.

LET’S FIRE THOSE TROLLS, and get moving on our journey !!  We are here for a reason. We have a purpose, and there is much more to life than what those negative trolls are offering.

Visit Missy Ohe's site at

“Don’t find an excuse. Find a way.”