Friday, December 27, 2013
Knocked Down ?
In life we are guaranteed to stumble, trip, and get knocked down from time to time. Sometimes it happens in the pursuit of a goal, and some times we are just blind-sided by a punch. The fall or knock down to the ground may not be our fault. No matter who or what you choose to blame for knocking you down it is always your responsibility to get back up. No matter how hard or how many times you get knocked down, it is always your responsibility to pick yourself back up. Sitting there blaming the person or thing who knocked you down will not help your cause. Getting up and finding out how to not get knocked down by the same punch is your duty. Worrying about who knocked you down last year or several years ago only takes away from your current focus and current fight. Yes you have been knocked down, maybe even pushed around. However you are reading this right now and that let me know you haven't been knocked out. You are still alive and kicking, and able to get up.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Bring your Vision ,Dreams , and Goals to Life !
Find or make a picture that depicts your goal, and post it on your bath room mirror, in your car, on your computer and even on your fridge door. Place it any where you will constantly see it, so it remains a constant reminder. You are worth your goal. When you are constantly reminded of it you are more likely to take action towards it.
P.S. Do not discuss your goals with your excuses. They are not fond of your goals or dreams. Your goals initiate action which will get you closer to your goals and dreams and further away from them (your excuses). Remember DO NOT DISCUSS YOUR GOALS WITH YOUR EXCUSES...its none of their business.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
If you're so interested in your future why are your thoughts so focused on your past? You end up where your thoughts are. Be aware of what you are focusing on, reading, and spending your thoughts on. Like a GPS or compass your thoughts will take you to a destination. If you're focused on the past, a painful experience, a mistake, or fear your mind will recreate that situation like it happened yesterday. Too often will take actions and provide conversations that will make our current situation like our past so we can say "see it's happening again !" or "I told you so".
Protect your thoughts and provide yourself a mental diet of reading, experiences, activities, and visuals that will take you where you truly want to be in life.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Setting the example of networking. featuring Coach L.A
Friends and family please check out a fellow motivational speaker Coach L.A. /Lance Waterman. As part of my daily regiment I network with fellow speakers such as Coach L.A to strengthen my skills and collaborate with in order to create synergy for greater ideas. Stay tuned and watch as Coach L.A and I motivate each other to reach our goals, and inspire you to reach yours. Check out Coach L.A's new DVD Speak Ministry "Changing lives one mind at a time." Order it today for yourself and/or a friend by contacting me at or Coach L.A at
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Coach L.A |
Monday, November 25, 2013
Dream your way to your goal through your actions !!
Dream with your thoughts while you are asleep. Fulfill your dreams through your actions while you are awake.
Your dreams and goals will remain non-tangible if you fail to take action on them. However they will come to fruition with every step you take towards them. Let no fear, excuse, or past experience keep you from achieving your goal. Be not so obligated to average, the norm, and comfort that you're not willing to let go of what you currently have to obtain what you really want !!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Do not allow hurt feelings, hard times, and challenging situations to paralyze your decision making and your ability to take action. With action you will maintain forward progress. Even if it is only a couple of steps a day. Those couple of steps will keep you in motion. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. with determination, persistence and focus those several steps a day will add up and turn in to an incredible distance that will put your goal in sight, in reach and finally in your grasp. STAY IN MOTION !!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Happiness and success through BALANCE
Schedule time with and for the important people in your life in between working and studying hard. Spending an overwhelming amount of time focused on work will cause you to unintentionally ignore important people and areas in your life...wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, children, physical, mental and spiritual health. Those things that you ignore will began to rot, decompose, and go bad. When your attention is finally brought to it you're in react mode. You find yourself trying to mend a broken relationship, make up for lost time, get medication for stress or depression, or run away to decompress.
Balance you life by making room for those people who are important to you and for those things that require your attention regularly to allow you to perform at your highest potential.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Bring your dreams and desires to life through your ACTIONS !!!
Your thoughts and dreams are held in a capsule until they are released by your actions. The very chair you sit on and the building you are in where simply ideas until action after action manifested them in to reality. The freedom and rights of many many Americans were non existent except in the minds of those who were willing to fight for them. And in their minds their freedoms and rights remained until they put action towards their desires.
If you only think about what you desire it will always be what you desire. ACT NOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT !!!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Powering ahead with old habits and expecting new results is INSANITY !!
If you want something different do some thing different. Stop creating regret, pain and stress by supporting your old habits, attitudes and perspectives and expecting new exciting results. A new out put requires a different input.
The definition of insantity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Save yourself from your yourself by getting away from negative thinking, attitudes, unproductive actions and people that don't support where you want to go in life.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Critical questions successful people ask and answer everyday !!!
1. What did you read today that would inspire you to look beyond your current situation in order to reach your goal ?
(Read something inspiring everyday to brighten your outlook and motivate you to make the next step)
2. What physical activity did you do today to support maintaining or increasing your physical health ?
( Physical activities such has exercise, stretching and yoga improve the health of the body and trigger thoughts in the brain that are more productive & goal oriented )
3. Who are you talking to, communicating with or networking with that is enlightening you, inspiring you or mentoring you in order to encourage further movement toward your goal ?
4. What actual physical action did you do today that got you one step closer to your goal ?
( Just wanting to do it, or thinking about it WILL NOT get you there. You must take decisive ACTION)
5. What do you have planned for tomorrow to get you even closer to your goal ?
(Fail to plan, plan to fail)
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The things successful people do...
Successful people simply do those things that unsuccessful people aren't willing to do. Successful people don't necessarily feel like doing these certain things either, they just realize they must be done to reach their goal.
1. Taking order to move from where they are to where they want to be.
2. Putting activities associated with their goals ahead of things that aren't.
3. Doing away with their excuses
4. Socializing and networking w/ people who are successful
5. Reading, learning, studying and more reading learning and studying.
6. Consistently working at it every day even when they don't see immediate results, this go wrong, or they fail.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Simply put, you were born to live !!...not simply to exist. Dust of those hopes and dreams that you put aside and abandoned to assume the mundane and mediocre of the daily rat race. Go after that pursuit of happiness that belongs to you. Don't deny yourself by consulting those who never tried, those that envy, those that are disgruntled, and those that salt their vocabulary with bitterness and blame.
Live life because it was given to you. Live life because it is valuable and shouldn't be squandered. Do what you have never tried before. Attempt again what you once gave up on. Increase you experiences, enhance your livelihood through your actions. Be more than you were yesterday. Be all that you can. Use your breath to experience all your eyes can see and reach the heights you have only visualized in your mind.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Fear At the Decision Table
Your fears are in place to keep you comfortable, to keep you where you are, to prevent you from harm and danger. However, most of the those fears we have are unfounded, unproven, and are simply strong emotions attached more to the place you're in than to the idea of moving into unexplored environments. Decisions are about moving forward, and making progress. No matter who we are or what we have experienced we are all interested in improving ourselves in some way. In order to make decisions that will move us forward we must make a conscious effort to dismiss our fears from the conference table when we make our bold decisions.
The majority of the time our fears will not inform us of the danger or risk of staying in place...especially if that place is comfortable. Our fears will allow us to stay in an O.K or good place and jeopardize the opportunity to move on to a great place. It is very difficult to ignore your fears 100% of the time. Therefore you must excuse them from the room like a child when you are making decisions that are meant to improve your well being, future, and bring you closer to accomplishing your goals.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Don't risk your happiness !!
Don't risk your happiness spending time doing things you do not want to do, with people you don't want to be with. Too often we value the pay check and or benefits we receive from an organization more than our happiness. If the job you have is not fullfilling that deep down desire and/or the person you are with has demonstrated time and time again that they are not the one ...then why are you there ? Why are you with them? You staying in place means that that job or person means more to you than your happiness. You and I both know that's not true. Your happiness means more to you.
Gain leverage on yourself, and agree that you are not willing to go any further wasting your time with organizations or people who are not contributors to your well being and happiness. You are in charge of your happiness, and if you do not make decisions to make it so other people and things will trample all over your happiness because it's not their responsibility. ITS YOURS.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Breaking-a-way to get your breakthrough !!
Look forward toward those successful individuals and groups that have accomplished goals similar to those you want to accomplish. Stop taking counsel in those pessimists, critics, and spectators who are comfortable with where you and they are in life right now.
Making that break through toward your goal will require you to break-a-way from some of those people and habits that define your current position. Break free from the gravitational pull, that "I can't do it.", "I'm not ready ", and" I have an excuse" attitude and perspective. Stop indulging in those conversations and activities that will keep you grounded among those who subconsciously enjoy the fact that you and they are suffering together.
Gain leverage on yourself by reassuring yourself that the greater things in life happen by you acting on things more than you think about them. Those treasures, experiences, and priceless events that you dream and hope about belong to you !!! You HAVE TO be willing to walk away from your current perspective to get to them.
Ask yourself what is it that you specifically want ?
What actions do you need to take to get there ?
Take 1 of those actions today.
What 1 person do you need to stop listening to in order to develop a more positive perspective toward your goal ? (That person may be very close to you...that person just may be change your outlook and perspective through education and thought provoking questions. )
Making that break through toward your goal will require you to break-a-way from some of those people and habits that define your current position. Break free from the gravitational pull, that "I can't do it.", "I'm not ready ", and" I have an excuse" attitude and perspective. Stop indulging in those conversations and activities that will keep you grounded among those who subconsciously enjoy the fact that you and they are suffering together.
Gain leverage on yourself by reassuring yourself that the greater things in life happen by you acting on things more than you think about them. Those treasures, experiences, and priceless events that you dream and hope about belong to you !!! You HAVE TO be willing to walk away from your current perspective to get to them.
Ask yourself what is it that you specifically want ?
What actions do you need to take to get there ?
Take 1 of those actions today.
What 1 person do you need to stop listening to in order to develop a more positive perspective toward your goal ? (That person may be very close to you...that person just may be change your outlook and perspective through education and thought provoking questions. )
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Your Why !!
When you establish a goal you are usually very motivated, emotional,full of vigor and have a strong reason "WHY" you want to accomplish your goal. You could have just seen a weight lost commercial and really want to loose weight. Maybe you were just slapped by your spouse,and are determined that that was the last slap. Or maybe you are tired of working at a business or in field that is not fulfilling or is just an unwelcoming place to be. Remember your WHY. Write your WHY down. Remember how and why you felt when you decided you wanted to accomplish your goal. Remember the pain. Remember the discomfort. Remember the shame. Remember the freedom you invisioned in your head when you decided to go for your goal when you run in to challenges, conflicts, and trying times. Fend off those feelings of quitting, turning back,taking a break,returning to that comfortable habit by revisiting your WHY.
Take a picture of where you are or have been and take picture of where you want to go. Post them and look at them repeatedly to rejuvenate your faith, motivation, dedication to your goal.
Fight off those excuses by dedicating yourself to your WHY !!
Take a picture of where you are or have been and take picture of where you want to go. Post them and look at them repeatedly to rejuvenate your faith, motivation, dedication to your goal.
Fight off those excuses by dedicating yourself to your WHY !!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Critics in the path of our goal
We invest in people's criticism and negative comments toward us and about us. Why? Who knows? Someone is talking about you right now, but it's not relative, and doesn't matter because you can't hear them. It only matters to us when we hear it, invest in it, and value it. Not even a diamond ring is worth anything to a woman or man who does not want it, value it or appreciates it.
Never let the words of the critics defer you from you goal or dreams. People will talk about you while you're at the mountain top and when your in the low valley. They will talk about you in your presence and behind your back, they will talk about you while you're living and after your gone.
We are the waves at sea that are smooth and sometimes rough, appreciated by those who surf across our backs, and criticized by get those thrown off course by our natural moments. We can't afford to stop what we are doing because the critics like sand on shore are there when come and there when we go, and is some how beneath us not matter if we are out to sea or on the shore.
Never let the words of the critics defer you from you goal or dreams. People will talk about you while you're at the mountain top and when your in the low valley. They will talk about you in your presence and behind your back, they will talk about you while you're living and after your gone.
We are the waves at sea that are smooth and sometimes rough, appreciated by those who surf across our backs, and criticized by get those thrown off course by our natural moments. We can't afford to stop what we are doing because the critics like sand on shore are there when come and there when we go, and is some how beneath us not matter if we are out to sea or on the shore.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Look toward the individual with less doing more than you
When times are hard and you think things are difficult look toward that individual that has less than you physically, financially and resource wise that is accomplishing more than you. If they are able to muster up the guts and energy to leap over, go around and power through the many excuses they could have for themselves in order to continuously move toward their goal SO CAN YOU !!
What's your excuse? Whatever it is post it here and leave it here, so it will be out of your way and you can focus on your goals, dreams and destiny.
What's your excuse? Whatever it is post it here and leave it here, so it will be out of your way and you can focus on your goals, dreams and destiny.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
What are you doing with your greatness ?
Each one of us is great in some way. We are born with different talents and skills. Some skills are physical,others are mental. Many are quite obvious while others are not on display,and thus take the world by surprise when revealed. Many of us know what our skills are. We know what we are destined to do. However we spend more time occupied by things that don't support our talents, therefore they are never fully manifested.
Many of us will work a life time for an employer or several different employers doing things of minimum interest to us, and justify this life long toiling with " The bills have to get paid"...and indeed they do. Others will diligently find great excuses to justify why they don't have time to work on those goals that will put their greatness on display.
What we are truly saying is that going for our goals will be difficult to do at this time because there are competing requirements in our lives. We are saying we CHOOSE to dedicate 100% of our time on these and other things but no time to what we were born to do. We however are not saying it's impossible.
We must admit that many times we justify our time spent with excuses, occupy ourselves with less important tasks, and are simply afraid of the risks associated with trying.
You were blessed with a skill, talent, or ability to improve the lives of others in some way. The Universe has given you a gift that you have chosen to leave unopened and unshared. Be not the man or woman full of regret and despair during their time to go because you choose an excuse over developing the greatness you were born with.
Choose this moment, choose today to turn your back on your excuses in order to focus your mind and actions on bringing your greatness to life.
Quitting is not an option !! Luke Wright
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
And God answered "No".
So often we pray for what we want and strongly desire. We dedicate a special time in the day to deligently pray for what we desire. We pray long and we pray hard. Often times there are tears and strong emotions. After time when we do not receive the desired results we may question God and our faith. We may beleive that we haven't prayed long enough. We may even beleive that God does not want us to have what we are asking for. Too often we pray for results, change and expectations without applying our own physical effort or half heartedly trying. It is similiar to trying to mail a letter with no postage. We are in turn asking God to do all the work. He inturn says to us help me to help you. There is definately power in praying, however it is maximized when we truely decide to put our own efforts toward what we want. Without assisting ourselves we are in a strange way working against what we are praying for. We end up praying for what we want and physically working ever so hard to stay where we are. God's answer to you may have been "No", "Not right now". However we may be surprised how different the results are when we actually take physical action towards the things we desire instead of only wanting them mentally and praying for it constantly. Take a step toward what you want today by putting your physical action to work. Luke Wright
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Life awaits you !!!
Life awaits you !! You were born to live your life !! ..instead of simply dreaming of what it could be. You were created with great potential. The time has come for you to unlock that potential through your actions. What you are use to and what you have always done will ensure that you will get what you have always received. Step away from that normality, and walk in the path of your destiny in order to develop your greatness and set focus on your goal.
Decide on what you want. Write it down in detail !!!
Make a decision not only mentally, but through action toward your goal.
Join me as we tackle and overcome those challenges and obstacles that stand between us and our ultimate goals !!
Luke Wright
Decide on what you want. Write it down in detail !!!
Make a decision not only mentally, but through action toward your goal.
Join me as we tackle and overcome those challenges and obstacles that stand between us and our ultimate goals !!
Luke Wright
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