I am finishing up an OUTSTANDING book by the late Dr. Myles Munroe. My business partner Tramaine Crawford and I decided to read the book and discuss it on 6:30 a.m. calls. I just finished reading Chapters 9 and 10 of the book. The chapters were so inspiring that it fired me up to write this blog post based on its content and its connection to my passion.
Dear Parents,
When you confuse your paycheck from your employer with your
purpose, which is your life time assignment, you will confuse those you
influence and mentor. Telling a child to be their best with your words, but
encouraging them to be less than that with your actions is confusing. You are
your child’s greatest influence. We all step in to greatest when we follow our
purpose. Follow your purpose so your kid won’t question following theirs.
Yours Truly,
Your Heart
Your Heart

Even if you are not a parent seriously consider why you are
here, and what you are here for. Obviously you have a purpose that is greater
than your commute, your job evaluation, promotion, daily cups of coffee, or
degree. What is it? Your purpose is greater than your life, because it impacts
so many other lives.
Passion will help us rise above our daily routine.
What path do you see yourself being on that would enable to rise above the daily routine required for
the destination?
What hopes and dreams do you have that never leave you ?
“People who are satisfied with a lesser existence will never
go where they need to be.”
Dr. Myles Munroe
Dr. Myles Munroe
Are you going where you need to be ?..on a daily basis ?
Sow a thought, reap a belief.
Sow a belief, reap an attitude,
Sow an attitude, reap an action.
Sow an action, reap a habit.
Sow a habit, reap a character, reap a destiny.
True leaders don’t have jobs, they have lifetime assignments.
You are a leader!!
What is your life assignment?
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